Thread: 12 Monkeys
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Unread 04-04-2014, 14:13

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12 Monkeys dvd cover

12 Monkeys dvd cover


Part of the Terry Gilliam Director Series.

Director TERRY GILLIAM rose to fame as a member of the Monty Python comedy troupe. His work, mostly behind the scenes as the group’s animator, led him to his current career as a feature film director. His work is fantastic in every sense of the word and occasionally borders on surreal. From the offbeat comedy of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, to the dark and somber tones of The Fisher King, GILLIAM has sparked the imagination, created dreams, and ignited deep fears within his audience. This collection honors his passion, vision, creativity, and adherence to pushing the boundaries of his medium.
Find the rest of the series here!
12 Monkeys dvd cover

  Download the high-resolution files here:
G08 - 12Monkeys.rar (4.30 MB,  downloaders )

Last edited by palmerisemo; 14-04-2014 at 08:52. Reason: added director synopsis