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Unread 04-02-2010, 10:53

Posts: n/a
Thank you very much almost what i had in mind for my bond collection cutting down from 24 single DVD cases to 4 6 DVD cases How i get 24 is 22 offical movies never say never again and the James Bond Story . I don't have the Bond Girls Yet but I will Add it to my collection at some time in a Single case 6 cases 5 6 DVD cases and 1 single DVD case is a lot better then 29 single DVD cases .Need the room on my media shelf switching some of my movies to blu ray and dont want to have to buy a new media shelf cause I can't find one like I have that is larger and will fit in the space that Have to put it in . I could build one but the soulution of condensing down my single DVD Cases into Multi DVD cases will be easier in the long run not cheaper though got to buy the cases and the ink have the labels all ready , I would have preffered to have Never say never again inbetween Octopussy and A View to A kill going buy theatrical release dates and having the James Bond Story between Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies as that is what it covers up to TMD but I can live with these two little mistakes in chronological errors .